
Gurr Chikki (Brittle) with Peanut, Till & Channa

This 3 ingredient Gurr Chikki (Brittle) recipe is so simple that you can make any chikki in no time. Add Peanuts, sesame seeds, channay or any dry fruit, just dry roast them and add to the Jaggery mixture and you have your favorite chikki ready to enjoy. We have used Falak Gurr Shakkar which is unbleached & pure jaggery for this recipe and we loved the result! Its a must try recipe. #happycookingtoyou #foodfusion #Falak #digitalammi #digitalmom #chikki

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Prepare Chana Chikki:

-Chana (Roasted gram) 1 & ½ Cup

-Ghee (Clarified butter) 2-3 tbs

-Falak Desi Shakkar Jaggery Powder 1 & ½ Cup

Prepare Til Chikki:

-Safed til (Sesame seeds) 1 & ½ Cup

-Ghee (Clarified butter) 2-3 tbs

-Falak Desi Shakkar Jaggery Powder 1 & ½ Cup

Prepare Mongphali Chikki:

-Mong phali (Peanuts) 1 & ½ Cup

-Ghee (Clarified butter) 2-3 tbs

-Falak Desi Shakkar Jaggery Powder 1 & ½ Cup



Prepare Chana Chikki:

-In a wok,add roasted gram & dry roast on medium flame until fragrant (2-3 minutes) & set aside.

-In a wok,add desi ghee & let it melt.

-Add desi shakkar,mix continuously & cook on low flame until it melts (4-5 minutes).

-Add roasted gram & mix until well combined then transfer on greased silicon mat & roll out with the help of greased rolling pin.

-Cut into desired shapes,let it set for 30 minutes & serve.

Prepare Til Chikki:

-In a wok,add sesame seeds & dry roast on medium flame until fragrant (2-3 minutes) & set aside.

-In a wok,add desi ghee & let it melt.

-Add desi shakkar,mix continuously & cook on low flame until it melts (4-5 minutes).

-Add roasted sesame seeds & mix until well combined then transfer on greased silicon mat & roll out with the help of greased rolling pin.

-Cut into desired shapes,let it set for 30 minutes  & serve.

Prepare Mongphali Chikki:

-In a wok,add peanuts & dry roast on medium flame until fragrant (2-3 minutes) & set aside.

-In a wok,add desi ghee & let it melt.

-Add desi shakkar,mix continuously & cook on low flame until it melts (4-5 minutes).

-Add roasted peanuts & mix until well combined then transfer on greased silicon mat & roll out with the help of greased rolling pin.

-Cut into desired shapes,let it set for 30 minutes & serve.

-Can be store in an airtight jar.


Recipe By: Seema Hanif

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