
Homemade Dahi/Yogurt

Here Is how you can make the best homemade Dahi/yogurt at home. Use Full Cream Pakola Milk for best results #HappyCookingToYou #FoodFsuion #PakolaMilk

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  • Pakola Full Cream Milk 1 litre
  • Sweeter of your choice
  • Dahi (Yogurt) 2 tbs


In a wok,add milk and sugar,mix well and bring it to boil.

Pour milk in a clay pot (10 inch) and keep stir with ladle for few minutes.When it is lukewarm,just dip your finger to check the temperature.Finger should not burn neither that finger does not feel warmth.Milk should be lukewarm.

Add yogurt,cover & leave clay pot undisturbed in a warm place for 8-10 hours or overnight.

Refrigerate once the curd sets.

Serving Ideas:

Sweetened Yogurt:

In a bowl,add yogurt,sweetener of your choice,mix well & serve!

Prepare Riata:

In a bowl,add yogurt,raita masala,mix well & serve!

Use in regular cooking or enjoy your homemade yogurt as it is.

Recipe By: Kanwal Mohsin

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