
Homemade Khoya

This homemade Khoya is irresistible because of it’s rich, nutty, and milky flavor. Try this recipe made with Olper’s Full Cream Milk Powder, and use it as the perfect secret ingredient for your recipes! You can store it in the freezer for later use as well! #FoodFusion #Olpers #OlpersMilkPowder #happycookingtoyou #digitalammi #digitalmom #khoya

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-Olper’s Tarrka Desi Ghee 2 tbs

-Olper’s milk 1 Cup

-Olper’s milk powder 300g



-In a wok,add desi ghee & let it melt.

-Add milk & mix well.

-Add milk powder,cook on low flame & mix well continuously to avoid lumps (3-4 minutes),continue cooking on low flame until moisture evaporates (2-3 minutes).

-On greased mold,add khoya & spread evenly.

-Let it cool completely (Yields: 600g).

-Homemade khoya/mawa can be stored in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

-Homemade khoya/mawa can be used in making different kinds of desi desserts/mithai like barfi,peda,ladoos & many more.

-Add it to your halwa & Kheer to give them perfect creamy texture.

-Top up your favourite dessert with khoya/mawa & enjoy the rich flavour.





Recipe By: Kanwal Mohsin

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