
Apple Mint Iced Green Tea

Refresh your self with this healthy Apple Mint Iced Green Tea recipe. #happycookingtoyou #foodfusion #digitalammi #liptongreentea #lipton

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-Water 450ml

-Lipton Tropical Pineapple Green tea 3 bags

-Water 500ml

-Podina (Mint) 14-15 leaves

-Lemon juice 1 tsp

-Honey 2-3 tbs or to taste

-Green food color few drops (optional)

-Apple juice chilled 1 Cup

-Ice cubes as required

-Lemon slice 1

-Apple slices 2-3

-Mint leaves



-In a kettle,add water & bring it to boil.

-Turn off the flame,add tea bags & let it steep for 4-5 minutes.

-Let it cool.

-In a kettle,add water & bring it to boil.

-Add mint leave,mix well & cook on low flame for a minute then strain.

-Add lemon juice,honey,green food color & mix well.

-Let it cool.

-Storable mint syrup is ready.

-Mint syrup is used in many mocktails,teas & drinks.

-It can be stored in refrigerator for up to 1 month.

-In a jug,add prepared green tea,apple juice,prepared mint syrup chilled & mix well.

-In a serving glass,add ice cubes,lemon slice,apple slices & prepared mixture.

-Garnish with mint leaves & serve!



Recipe By: Seema Hanif

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