
Brownie Ice cream Bombs

Enjoy the delicious Brownie Bombs made with Omore Caramel Crumble brickpack. This is a treat that you would surely love! Watch the full recipe video for the secret to master it! #Omore #wowbharaydesserts #wowbharabite #FoodFusion #HappyCookingToYou #DigitalAmmi

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Prepare Caramel Sauce:

-Sugar ¾ Cup

-Water 1 tbs

-Makhan (Butter) 1-2 tbs

-Cream ⅓ Cup

Prepare Chocolate Sauce:

-Semi-sweetened dark chocolate 50g

-Cream ⅓ Cup

-Doodh (Milk) 1 tbs


-Brownie piece

-Omore Caramel Crumble

-Whipped Cream



Prepare Caramel Sauce:

-In a frying pan,add sugar,water & cook on low flame until sugar is caramelized & turns brown and gently stir pan few times in between to mix.

-Add butter & mix well.

-Turn off the flame,add cream,turn on the flame,mix well & cook on low flame for a minute.

-Let it cool & transfer to a squeeze bottle.

Prepare Chocolate Sauce:

-In a bowl,add dark chocolate,cream,milk & microwave for a minute then mix well until smooth.

-Transfer to a squeeze bottle.


-On a cling film,place a 4x4 brownie piece,butter paper & slightly flatten brownie with the help of rolling pin.

-Remove baking paper,place 2x2 inch Omore Caramel crumble,make a cavity in the center of it with the help of core remover.

-Add prepared caramel sauce & pull all the sides of brownie along with cling film to wrap & make a round ball shape.

-Place the ball in the small bowl & gently press it to make the shape of bomb & freeze for 30 minutes in freezer.

-Carefully remove the brownie bomb from cling film & invert it on a serving plate.

-Decorate with whipped cream,prepared caramel sauce & chocolate sauce & serve!


Recipe By: Khadija Firdous

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